Thursday, January 29, 2009

I tortured my family tonight...

Well, our dinner was pretty funny tonight because I tried an experiment and failed miserably. I was making a beef stroganoff of sorts--not a favorite of mine--but fast and easy. It was nearly done and I thought I'd try and sneak in some know, trying to get healthier for our big challenge starting next week. I was going to put in some diced, frozen spinach but then got the really bright idea of pureeing some of the spinach in broth before putting it in the meat sauce. Holy smokes!! That was a mistake. I should have known! What was I thinking. It cant be that bad, right? Well, I only put in a little of the broth mixture which turned my creamy stroganoff sauce into a putrid, chunky green sauce. uggg....

To make it worse I was serving it on toast since I didn't make any noodles. Do you just ever make a meal you know if going to be really, really bad, no one will like, and you kind of don't care anyway? Numerous times as I was dishing up our gag-y dinner, I kept laughing out loud. It is still making me laugh, actually.

I kept thinking of some of the ways mom hid really...uh... crappy dinners. I even tried adding some cheese and that made me laugh more. I felt like such a "mom" (not our Mom, just a mom.) I even said, "you're lucky you even have food," when there were complaints. But secretly it made me laugh! It sort of felt liberating for some reason. Why do you think that was? Strange, don't you think?

We just noticed that Sweet Sasha finished every bite!! Vaughn and I gave her a round of applause and declared that she wins the prize!! Now I have to go find one!


Hilary said...

That reminds me of when I have morning sickness. One year we had a Japanese girl living with us. I made some kind of tasteless pasta dish, which I actually really enjoyed. She usually really liked everything I cooked, so she took a big bite and literally gagged. Being Japanese, she was trying really hard to be polite, but she couldn't stop herself from asking while covering her mouth, averting her eyes, and simultaneously backing away from the table, "what . . . is . . . taste?" At that point, the rest of the family stopped eating it and they all made ramen noodles instead.

Stepi said...

Hi Hilary!!! At least your were nice enough to let them eat something else. I didnt even do that!

Kathy said...

This is so funny, Steph! Why did it feel liberating? Maybe because it feels good to not have to be "perfect" at everything. It reminds me of the first time (actually the only time) I went to a movie by myself. Self confidence, baby! That's what it is. You know who you are.

happytape! said...

that is so funny! picturing your stern face while saying "you're lucky you even have food" makes me laugh out loud!