Sunday, June 8, 2008

Chocolate Truffle Swirl Ice Cream, Oh my! and of course, It's Gluten Free

We decided yesterday we wanted homemade Ice cream today. Jonah said he wanted chocolate which we've never made before. Vaughn and the kids voted if they wanted a light chocolate ice cream with a fudge ripple or if they wanted a rich chocolate ice cream. The fudge ripple won out so, I had to figure out how to make it. I didn't have an actual recipe at this point when I offered, but I ended up altering one that came with the ice cream maker. Oh my, it turned out so delicious that I wish I could sneak some right now but I am trying to save the rest for FHE dessert tomorrow night. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. Maybe I'll end up with a picture tomorrow.

Chocolate Truffle Swirl Ice Cream

Heat on stove:
2 C heavy cream
1 C half n half
1 C milk (you could use 2 C milk instead of the half n half but I wanted to use it up)
4 T cocoa powder

[Stirring in the cocoa was very fun for Jonah and me. The powder sits on top of the cream and when you stir it with a whisk, bubbles form that look like a bunch of marbles. The bubbles are coated with powder, bumping into eachother, and you can practically pick them up--very cool, but they will stir together eventually. I notice a lot of little weird things like this while cooking.]

While cream is heating combine in a bowl:
3/4 C sugar
1 egg yolk (you could use 2 or more but I already had the extra fat from the half n half)
1-2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt

Stir in about a 1/2 cup of the heated cream and milk to the egg mixture. Once it is warm you can add the rest of the cream mixture to the egg mix. Strain and refrigerate from 4 hours up to three days.

Truffle swirl:

I made a ganache and didn't measure precisely but this is a guesstimate.
Heat 1/2 C heavy cream
Remove from heat and stir in about 1/2 C chocolate chips until shiny, luscious and smooth. This needs to be completely cool but not hard.

Make ice cream in your ice cream maker once mix is chilled. (Real cookbooks always say here "according to manufacturers directions", but I say "DuH!") When it is done pour or scoop ice cream into a plastic container than make two lines of ganache on top of the ice cream and swirl it in with a knife. I did this a few times until I thought it had enough added ganache. (I used all the ganache but about two tablespoons that will be a delicious treat tomorrow after lunch with maybe some strawberries or a banana. yum.)

Freeze in freezer until firm. I think it should be a least a couple of hours but we ate ours about an hour after. It was still pretty soft but oh so tasty. So far I don't think I have ever had anything bad that included ganache in it. I better keep trying new things though because you never know...

but seriously, you need this ice cream tonight!


Kathy said...

That ice cream sounds soooo good! I too am a big fan of the ganache! Can't go wrong with it! I am also trying your Teriyaki Salmon RIGHT NOW for lunch! That's why I got on the blog. But...I'm making it with salmon that has been in my freezer WAY too long so I hope it doesn't make it too...freezer burn. I'll let you know.

happytape! said...

yum!! this ice cream sounds delicious!

i made a variation of ganache this week, too. i added a cube of unsalted butter to the hot cream, then added the chocolate and used it for rice crispie treats....i can't get enough!

Stepi said...

Holy cow. Did you add marshmellows to the rice crispies? How yummy.

How'd the salmon turn out Kath?