Saturday, November 17, 2007

Haunted Halloween Tricky Treats

I know that there are alot of photos here but just describing these foods with words just doesn't cut it. Here are the Mummy Calzones that I made. Fun stuff but I should have made like 2 more!
Guacamole dip with carrot fingers! Can't get enough of guacamole dip!! made by Natalie H.
I bought these fabulous jell-o creepy hand molds this year. So fun! I put sour cream and crushed pineapple in green jell-o but it was too pastel-y green so I added a few drops of yellow food coloring in it to make it more...slimy color. EECK!
Aren't these super fun spider web cupcakes? But who made them? Who gets the credit? Sorry! I can't remember!
Finger bread sticks. YUM!! Made by Kristin
Pumpkin dough nuts. Cute, cute! Made by Maria
I made (made?! they were really frozen. So I guess I re-heated) these mini corn dogs cut in half with the intent to be eye balls but I don't think that was achieved but there were still tasty. You can't really screw up corn dogs, huh?


Stepi said...

I love all the pictures! I think that the corn dogs are awesome--maybe not very eyeball looking but for some reason creepy just the same. What a fun party!

happytape! said...

so fun!! i wish i was there!